王者之證 - Evolution Item
Special evolution items like the 王者之證 first arrived back with the second generation of Pokémon, and are now required when evolving Pokémon such as 蚊香蛙皇 and 蚊香蛙皇 and 呆呆王 and 呆呆王. When evolving these Pokémon, this item is required in addition to the candy, and is consumed when used.
How to get the 王者之證

The 王者之證 is obtained from spinning Pokestops and Gyms. There is a very low drop chance of around 1% per spin to receive a 王者之證 or any of the other evolution item, and there is an equal chance of obtaining each of the 5 currently available items.
There's no way to ensure that the 王者之證 will drop, but with only 4 other items, there's a greater than 50% chance that you'll receive one once you've spun over 250 Pokéstops.
The 7th day streak bonus gives you a very high chance of obtaining one of the evolution item, but it's not believed to be guaranteed.
Other evolution items
The other evolution items that can be found in Pokemon GO are: