寶可夢 IV 計算機
計算結果 {{ pokemon[0] }}
等級 | 攻擊 | 防禦力 | 耐力 | 理想度百分比 |
{{ level }} | {{ display_ivs[0] }} | {{ display_ivs[1] }} | {{ display_ivs[2] }} | {{ perfection }}% |
Save to Pokémon Manager
Future upgrades
Your CP |
{{ cp }}
CP at level {{ target_level }} |
{{ maxCP() }}
CP at level {{ target_level }} (100% IVs) |
{{ maxPerfectCP() }}
{{ pokemon.target[0] }}
Your CP |
{{ pokemon.cp }}
CP at level {{ target_level }} |
{{ maxCP(pokemon.stats) }}
CP at level {{ target_level }} (100% IVs) |
{{ maxPerfectCP(pokemon.stats) }}
Upgrade cost
Stardust required | {{ stardustCost.toLocaleString() }} |
Candies required | {{ candyCost.toLocaleString() }} |
{{ pokemon.target[0] }}
最小 (0%) | {{ min40CP.toLocaleString() }} |
最大 (100%) | {{ max40CP.toLocaleString() }} |
最好 | {{ current40CP.toLocaleString() }} |

This calculator simply attempts to calculate the IVs (what are Pokémon IVs?) for your Pokémon based on the information available.
As multiple IVs can give the same CP and HP values for a Pokémon, sometimes the range given can be quite large.
For example, the Eevee pictured to the right, this could either be a great Pokémon with almost full IVs, or it could be a fairly useless 29% Eevee.
How do I use this tool?

Step 1: Choose your Pokémon that you want to use in the calculator.
Step 2: Fill in the following values as shown on the image:
CDust required to Power Up the Pokémon
Step 3: If you have just caught this Pokémon, and not powered it up, then check the 'just caught' box as it will help narrow down the results.
Step 4: Click 'Calculate'. The calculator will run and give you the possible IV combinations for your Pokémon below. If the range of possible combinations is too large, you can further refine with the Appraisal system.
What is the 'Appraisal' section?
The appraisal system is a feature on Pokémon Go that gives you information on your Pokémon, helping you to know how good your Pokémon is.
This calculator works seamlessly with the in-game appraisal system, letting you directly enter the information that you get from the game. This will usually help you significantly narrow down your results.
What's in the 'Advanced' section?
If you're still getting a range of results and want to know what your exact IVs are, you can use this feature. This is a further way in which you can narrow down the results, but at the cost of powering up your Pokémon.
To use this feature, enter the stats as normal, but then power up your Pokémon one time, and enter the new stats in this advanced section. This tool will then re-calculate based on your new data, and will help to further narrow down your results. You can do this several times if you are still getting multiple results.
每個寶可夢有3個獨立的IV:這些是0和15之間的攻擊,防禦和耐力統計的隱藏值。 這些值決定了寶可夢在最大程度上的力量。
所有的寶可夢都是相等的:兩個最高級的寶可夢可以有不同的IV,導致一個將比其他更強大。 例如,40級 拉普拉斯 的CP可以在2,229和2,603之間。