#240 (Johto)
Melhores movimentos (Magby)
Ember | 12 dps |
Flamethrower Elite TM | 38.2 dps |
Ember | 12 dps |
Flamethrower Elite TM | 38.2 dps |
Tipo do Pokémon
There are currently a total of 3 Pokémon in the Magmar family. Magby evolves into Magmar which costs 25 Candy, which then evolves into Magmortar costing 100 Candy.
Magmar requires Pedra de Sinnoh to evolve into Magmortar.
Standard game images

There is a very low chance that you can get a shiny Magby, which has the following appearance:
"O estado de saúde de Magby é determinado pelo fogo que emana ao respirar. Se as chamas que saem por sua boca forem amarelas, está saudável. Quando está cansado, uma fumaça preta estará misturada com as chamas."
Atributos base
Ataque | 151 | |
Defesa | 99 | |
Stamina | 128 |
CP Máximo
Nível 15 Research encounters |
567 View IV chart » |
Nível 20 Max hatched / raids |
756 View IV chart » |
Nível 30 Max wild |
1.134 View IV chart » |
Nível 40 | 1.323 View IV chart » |
CP Máximo with weather boost
Nível 25 (raids) | 945 View IV chart » |
Nível 35 (wild) | 1.229 View IV chart » |
Max HP
Nível 40 | 113 |
Altura | 0,71 m |
Peso | 21,4 kg |
Taxa base de captura | 0% |
Taxa base de um Pokémon fugir | 0% |
Buddy walk distance | 5 km |
Melhores movimentos (Magby)
Ember | 12 dps |
Flamethrower Elite TM | 38.2 dps |
Ember | 12 dps |
Flamethrower Elite TM | 38.2 dps |
Todos os ataques
Ataques rápidos | Dano | EPS | DPS |
Karate Chop | 8 | 12.5 | 10 |
Ember | 10 | 10 | 12 |
Ataques principais | Dano | EPS | DPS |
Fire Punch | 55 | -15 | 30 |
Brick Break | 40 | -20.6 | 25 |
Flame Burst | 70 | -19.2 | 32.3 |
Flamethrower Elite TM | 70 | -22.7 | 38.2 |
Os ataques destacados em verde se beneficiam do Bônus de Ataque do Mesmo Tipo e causam 20% a mais de dano.
Todos os Pokémon contadores
Estes são os Pokémon e seus movimentos que causam mais dano a Magby.
Pokémon | Ataques rápidos | Ataques principais | Dano efetivo |
Rampardos | Smack Down | Rock Slide | 100% |
Kingler | Bubble | Crabhammer | 98% |
Landorus (Therian) | Rock Throw | Earth Power | 96% |
Landorus (Therian) | Mud Shot | Earthquake | 96% |
Landorus (Therian) | Mud Shot | Earth Power | 95% |
Mamoswine | Mud-Slap | High Horsepower | 94% |
Excadrill | Mud-Slap | Earthquake | 93% |
Rhyperior | Mud-Slap | Rock Wrecker | 92% |
Landorus (Therian) | Rock Throw | Earthquake | 91% |
Tyrantrum | Rock Throw | Meteor Beam | 91% |
These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »
Mais vulnerável a Magby
Pokémon | Dano efetivo |
These moves are calculated using type advantages / disadvantages, and including STAB. Click here for more info »