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Pokémon GO Events

Last updated: May 28, 2019





Extraordinary Raid Week

Tuesday, 21st May 2019 20:00
Tuesday, 28th May 2019 20:00
The event has now finished.
Extraordinary Raid Week

Prepare your Pokémon, assemble your best teams, and get your Raid Passes ready for the Extraordinary Raid Week in Pokémon GO. This is a full week of boosted raids, giving you a varied range of new Raid Bosses, and double Stardust and XP for every raid.


Raid Pokemon
Tier IV Marowak (Alolan), Dragonite, Tyranitar, Absol, Metagross
Tier III Raichu (Alolan), Chansey, Scyther, Aerodactyl, Floatzel
Tier II Misdreavus, Kirlia, Mawile, Feebas, Clamperl, Bibarel
Tier I Machop, Slakoth, Shinx, Bronzor

Shiny Pokemon

You will have a small chance of encountering a Shiny Bronzor in the Raids, letting you get the shiny version of his evolved form Bronzong too.

Shiny Bronzor Shiny Bronzong


  • 2× Raid Stardust
  • 2× Raid XP

This means that, with the help of a Lucky Egg, the maximum possible XP from one raid is a staggering 40,000 XP when you complete a Tier 5 raid.

Raid XP 2× XP 2× XP + Lucky Egg
Tier 1 3,000 6,000 12,000
Tier 2 3,500 7,000 14,000
Tier 3 4,000 8,000 16,000
Tier 4 5,000 10,000 20,000
Tier 5 10,000 20,000 40,000

Raid hour

On Wednesday (May 22) from 6pm to 7pm (local time), there will be a special raid hour. During this event hour, there will be a greatly increased number of raids appearing over the map. This will apply to all levels of raids, from the one-star to the four-star raids.

This is your chance to add some rare and powerful Pokémon like Tyranitar or Metagross to your collection.

Lapras Raid Day

On Saturday May 25, there will be a Lapras Raid Day event, a three-hour window where Lapras will appear as a Raid Boss, with the possibility of being able to catch a Shiny Lapras. You will also be given 5 additional Raid Passes for free.

View the official event announcement on




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Weak vs.

Ineffective vs.